For more
information about microcredit and microfinance, visit:
People's Fund The
ultimate goal of this five-year project is to enable Grameen
Trust to reach 10 million extremely poor families with credit
by the year 2005 by supporting a growing number of
intermediary organizations throughout the world.
Microcredit Summit
Campaign brings together microcredit practitioners, advocates,
educational institutions, donor agencies, international
financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and
others involved with microcredit to promote best practices in
the field, to learn from each other, and to work towards
reaching our goal.
Bank has reversed
conventional banking practice by removing the need for
collateral and created a banking system based on mutual trust,
accountability, participation and creativity. GB provides
credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh, without
any collateral, supporting a cost effective weapon to fight
poverty and serving as a catalyst in the over all development
of socio-economic conditions of the poor.
Virtual Library on Microcredit
Resources on microcredit
Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP)
A consortium of 27 bilateral and multilateral donor agencies
who support microfinance. Includes a Microfinance Gateway
offering over 1,500 documents.