Medak Edition
June 28th 1999
Vikram Akula, director SKS spoke about the women's groups that formed under the umbrella of SKS and their development in the review meeting held at Anthwar. Speaking to the press he said that the organization is working for the progress of poor women. Explaining the setup of these groups, the director said that each group comprises of 5 members. Every member of the group saves RS. 5 per month and makes use of that money to meet their basic requirements and repay it to the organization. Every member for a loan amount of RS. 1000 in the first year, RS. 2000 in the second and RS 4000 in the third year. The organization ensures that this money is invested in income generating activities like purchasing cattle, goats etc. This is a measure to improve the financial status of these poor women. Vikram further stated that the interest rate on the loans thus released is minimal. The members of the Sangam also participated in the meeting explained how they benefited from the organization. The Chairperson and the staff of Swayam Krishi Sangam attended the meeting.