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Success Stories

  • Age: 50 (1 son who is 25 years old)

  • Hometown: S. Itikyala, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh

  • First Loan Issued: Rs. 5000 (US$111), 2001

  • Business: Buffalo Owner

  • Caste: Backward Caste

    Ballamma took out her first loan with SKS for Rs. 5,000 ($ 111) almost three years ago to purchase a buffalo. Since then, she has taken out three more loans worth Rs. 20,000 ($444) to purchase more buffalos. She was able to use the profits from these buffalos to fund her son's education. The two buffalos she currently has produce 8 liters of milk a day. Ballamma is able to sell each liter for Rs. 8 ($0.18) and thus makes Rs. 64 a day. ($1.42) To maintain the buffalos, Ballamma spends Rs. 28 ($0.62) per day on fodder and other miscellaneous expenses. Her net profit is thus Rs. 36 ($0.80) a day and Rs. 252 ($5.60) per week. After making her loan repayments, Ballamma's net earnings are Rs. 22 ($0.49) per week. Ballamma's husband currently makes Rs. 140 ($3.11) per week. Ballamma will recover the full cost of her loan in one year's time. After this point, Ballamma's household income will more than double from Rs. 162 ($3.60) per week to Rs. 392 ($8.71) per week. Given that a buffalo's life span is 5-6 years, Ballamma has made a very lucrative investment. 

    Ballamma's story is just one example of how an SKS client has leveraged her opportunity to take credit to produce tangible benefits for her family. Her story also exemplifies the economic opportunities available for women in poor, rural communities. Not only has Ballamma used her loan to finance her son's education, but also to double her household income.

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