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Smart Cards and Microfinance

How Do Smart Cards Work?
Achievements to Date

SKS, because of its commitment to using state-of-the-art technology to reach the poorest of the poor, is in a unique position to make "Smart Cards for Microfinance" a reality. Since SKS is new and is building on the lessons of more experienced MFIs, the organization has been able to adopt all of the conventional efficiency measures and is now poised to take efficiency to the next level.

SKS is currently in the process of developing and testing software that links the Smart Card to its MIS & Accounting packages. SKS has brought together a multi-talented team that has the skills and experience to make the pilot phase a success. The team includes Vikram Byanna Akula, SKS' CEO who has several years of experience with microfinance; Bala Krishnamurthy, formerly a systems specialist with McKinsey & Company in the US and formerly the MIS specialist with CASHPOR India; and Andy Khan of Motorola, Inc. in the US. In addition, SKS is in the process of recruiting technical experts from both the Hyderabad and US IT industries. Finally, SKS intends to draw heavily upon the knowledge of its talented field staff to ensure that implementation of the Smart Card is successful at the village level.
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