We believe that the most important way to improve the lives of the poor is through economic development. It is the foundation on which other human development - such as education and health - can be built. At SKS we are proud of improving the lives of more than 6 Million members through microfinance, which in turn fosters economic development. Each member is able to use microfinance to make a better life for herself and her family. Microfinance enables people to earn income and build assets, which means families eat better, they can afford health care, and children are more likely to attend school.
Within the microfinance sector, SKS has been able to distinguish itself through its performance. We have successfully applied methods from the business world, such as the use of standardisation and automation, to build an organisation that leads the microfinance industry in a number of areas, including rapid growth, high quality service to our members, streamlined delivery, transparency and innovative products.

' Operational Information | FY14 | FY13 | FY12 | FY11 | FY10 | FY09 | Total no. of Branches | 1,255 | 1,261 | 1,461 | 2,379 | 2,029 | 1,353 | Total no. of Districts | 294 | 298 | 329 | 378 | 341 | 307 | Total no. of Staff | 8,932 | 10,809 | 16,194 | 22,733 | 21,154 | 12,814 | Total No. of Members (in '000) | 5,783 | 5,021 | 5,351 | 7,307 | 6,780 | 3,953 | Amount Disbursed for the period (INR crores) | 4,788 | 3,320 | 2,737 | 7,831 | 7,618 | 4,485 | Portfolio outstanding (INR crores)* | 3,113 | 2,359 | 1,669 | 4,111 | 4,321 | 2,456 | * includes assigned / magaged loan portfolio | | | | | | Financial Information | FY14 | FY13 | FY12 | FY11 | FY10 | FY09 | Revenue (INR crores) | 545 | 353 | 472 | 1,270 | 958 | 554 | PAT (INR crores) | 70 | (297) | (1,361) | 112 | 174 | 80 | Assets (INR crores) | 2,497 | 2,511 | 1,722 | 4,300 | 4,055 | 3,039 | Networth (INR crores) | 459 | 390 | 435 | 1,781 | 950 | 665 | |