SKS decides to start work in a village, a projection meeting
is scheduled during which the villagers are informed about
the organization's mission, ideology, products, and procedures.
This is the first point of formal contact between the
villagers and SKS staff. Projection meetings are typically
scheduled during evening hours and are held in a central location
in the village to ensure maximum possible participation from
village residents.
During projection meetings, great care is taken to identify
poor women among the audience who seem interested in SKS'
activities. Since many poor women may not come forward in
public for reasons of class, caste or gender, SKS staff approach
these women individually, either after the meeting or during
a follow-up visit.
Armed with the names of some interested persons, the SKS team
visits the village the next day to talk to the villagers in
more detail about the activities of SKS. The purpose of this
"mini-projection" meeting is to clarify any issues, to clear
any doubts and to encourage group and sangam formation.