W. Meehan,
Jennifer has been based in Asia for nearly
6 years. She has worked at
the Chase Manhattan Bank in New York and Singapore
before joining CASHPOR, the Asian Network of Grameen Bank
Adaptors, as Financial Advisor in June 1998.
Presently working independently in Tokyo, her focus is in
equal parts microfinance and social investment.
She serves on the Editorial Board of CASHPOR's
quarterly newsletter and is a consultant for the Calvert
Social Investment Foundation on its Asian and African
portfolios. She
has also been invited to serve on the Management Board of the
Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Capital Fund, a newly launched
social venture capital fund to finance rural innovations in
India. She
graduated summa cum laude from George Washington University
with a degree in International Economics and is currently a
Level III candidate in the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)